Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Final Fantasy VII Profiles- Cloud, Reno, and Erika

Name: Cloud Strife
Current Age: 23
DOB: 12.13.XX
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 179 lbs
Cast actor: Topher Grace
Blood Type: O
Occupation: Was an AVALANCHE Activist, is now a Carpenter
Current Residence: Sector 7, Midgar
Marital Status: Single
Though most of his past was lost due to his mako poisoning, Cloud remembered being an x-SOLDIER, and how ShinRa was using the planet. He fought many battles to save the planet, and while winning the safety of his world and future, he lost a dear friend. After the events of the game, Cloud moved to Costa De Sol, where his mako poisoning progressed, eventually destroying most of his memories. He now works as a carpenter and a surf champion.
Personal Quote
: Don't take you time for granted. It's something you'll never get back.

Name: Reno Sinclair
Current Age: 27
DOB: 7.7.XX
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 185 lbs
Cast actor: Matt Dillon
Blood Type: O-
Occupation: Turk, ShinRa Operative
Current Residence: Sector 6, Midgar
Marital Status: Thinks of himself as Previously Engaged
At fourteen, Reno was recruited by the captain of the Turks. He fell in love with one of his partners, Erika Hartly when he was eighteen. However, when she was supposedly 'killed in the line of duty', Reno swore never to fall in love again. He was one of the main Turks to search for escaped SOLDIERs Zack Fair and Cloud Strife. He was also one of the Turks present at Sephiroth's death.
Personal Quote
: Why hold back? It's only lying to everyone else.

Name: Erika Hartly
Current Age: 22 (Deceased)
DOB: 11.8.XX
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 5 1/2"
Weight: 132 lbs
Cast actress: Reese Witherspoon
Blood Type: A+
Occupation: Turk, ShinRa Operative
Current Residence: Unknown
Marital Status: Engaged, Reno Sinclair
Erika was raised by both parents along with her little sister, Elena. She joined the Turks when she was sixteen, and met Reno one year later. The two fell in love and still kept a sense of professionalism even after they were engaged. On one mission Erika disappeared, and is now assumed dead.
Personal Quote: Work is just something everyone has to do.

Name: Alvaus Brechlyn
Current Age: 56
DOB: 9.25.XX
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 177 lbs
Cast actor: Gabriel Byrne
Blood Type: B-
Occupation: Captain of the Turks, ShinRa Operative
Current Residence: Unknown
Marital Status: Single, Divorced
Alvaus was one of the men that worked along side Vincent Valentine. The two were partners, and made the Turk Rings. When Vincent was in line to become the next Captain, he disappeared, and Alvaus sadly took his place. He hired Reno and Rude, but when Tseng worked his way up to Sub-Captain, Alvaus disappeared, leaving Tseng to take his place. Alvaus was actually going to give his right as Captain to Reno, but for some reason, was forcibly retired before he could.
Personal Quote: You never know what'll happen next, so take them out before they get you.

Yuugioh: Yami No Game Profiles - The Girls

Please note that my collection of profiles in incomplete for the men and women of Yugioh because I have not cast certain people yet..

Name: Mai Valentine
Current Age: 28
DOB: 11.20.80
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 155 lbs
Cast actress: Kristen Bell
Blood Type: O
Occupation: Unemployed, Duelist/Trader
Current Residence: Tokyo, Japan
Marital Status: In a Relationship, Joey Wheeler
Not enought is known about Mai to make a full bio. She was intorduced to Joey by challenging him to a duel in Duelist Kingdom. She lost, of course, and didn't show up again until the finals, where she lost to Yugi. She then disappeared until Duelist City opened, and lost AGAIN. Not the best duelist, is she? But she is the hottest woman in the show.
Personal Quote: A lady's got to have it all, looks, smarts, and a good pair of boots to kick her man in the nuts with.

Name: Isis Ishtar
Current Age: 24
DOB: 4.5.84
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 132 lbs
Cast actress: Morena Baccarin
Blood Type: O
Occupation: Archeologist, Priestess
Current Residence: Tokyo, Japan
Marital Status: Single
Isis was raised in a cult underground. Being female, she did not receive nearly as much cruelty as her brothers, Marik and Rashid. One day after taking her brother out to see the real world, he was taken by their father and put under the cult's right of passing. After their father was killed by Marik in a fit of rage, the three siblings escaped the cult for the real world.
Personal Quote: Destiny is something you can never ignore.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yuugioh: Yami No Game Profiles - The Boys

Name: Seto Kaiba (Josef Yurinov II)
Current Age: 22
DOB: 10.25.86
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 179 lbs
Cast Actor: Kevin Zegers
Blood Type: A
Occupation: CEO, Kaiba Corporations
Current Residence: Tokyo, Japan
Marital Status: Married, Ryou Bakura
Seto and his younger brother, Mokuba, were orphaned in a tragic accident when he was ten years old. After being adopted and raised by the cruel Gozuboro Kaiba, Seto inherited the multi-billion dollar company his father held. He became the king of games only a few years later. When he ran across Yugi Moto, his life was turn upside-down. After finishing his destiny, Kaiba fell in love with young college student, Ryou Bakura. The two were wed 3.19.08 in his homeland of Russia.
Personal Quote: Don't count on anyone you wouldn't die for yourself.

Name: Ryou Bakura (Randy Berkeley)
Current Age: 22
DOB: 9.2.86
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 154 lbs
Cast Actor: Taylor Hanson
Blood Type: AB
Occupation: Personal Consultant, Kaiba Corporations
Current Residence: Tokyo, Japan
Marital Status: Married, Seto Kaiba
Raised by archeologist, Wil Berkeley, Ryou was always being sent gifts from afar, but the millennium ring would never be viewed as a gift, but as a curse. Being a psychic, Bakura was easily possessed and controlled by the evil spirit of the ring. After his ordeal, Bakura fell in love with Kaiba Corp CEO, Seto Kaiba. The two were married 3.19.08 in Russia.
Personal Quote: Love is only as strong as you think it is.

Name: Ryuuji Otogi
Current Age: 22
DOB: 2.28.86
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 160 lbs
Cast Actor: Miyavi
Blood Type: B
Occupation: Game Designer, Kaiba Corporations
Current Residence: Tokyo, Japan
Marital Status: In A Relationship, Marik Ishtar
Otogi was raised in Tokyo by his single mother as an only child. When he created Dungeon Dice Monsters famous card game creator, Pegasus Crawford, decided to pay him a visit. However, Yugi Moto caused Pegasus to leave the country before anything was set in stone. After rivaling Yugi for a short time, Otogi decided to befriend the boy and join him on his quest. This is where he met Marik Ishtar and decided to work for Kaiba instead.
Personal Quote: Luck is one of the things you have or you don't.

Name: Joey Wheeler
Current Age: 22
DOB: 1.25.86
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 170 lbs
Cast actor: Jensen Ackles
Blood Type: B
Occupation: Unemployed, Duelist/Trader
Current Residence: Tokyo, Japan
Marital Status: In A Relationship, Mai Valentine
After overcoming his bullying streak, Joey became the best friend of Yugi Moto. While Yugi achived his destiny by obtaining the millennium puzzle, Joey served as a duelist the get money for his sisters corneal transplant. After getting eno0ugh money and getting his sister's surgery paid for, Joey helped Yugi finish his quest. This is how he met Mai Valentine.
Personal Quote: You can't just say your a good duelist, you have to earn that title first, just like you have to earn the title 'Best Brother'.

Name: Yugi Moto
Current Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 155 lbs
Cast actor: Elijah Wood
Blood Type: AB
Occupation: Shop Clerk, CARD SHOP, Duelist/Trader
Current Residence: Tokyo, Japan
Marital Status: Single
When he solved the millennium puzzle, Yugi was possessed and aided by a mysterious spirit with no memories. After discovering his past and destiny, he aided the spirit in his journey back to his time and place. When he completed his journey, he continued on with his normal life.
Personal Quote: You have to truly believe in something if you want it to help you back.

Name: Tristan Taylor
Current Age: 22
DOB: 4.19.86
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 195 lbs
Cast actor: Ryan Partlin
Blood Type: A
Occupation: Unemployed
Current Residence: Tokyo, Japan
Marital Status: In a Relationship, Serenity Wheeler
Tristan was a long time friend of Yugi and Joey, and aided in the journey to save the spirit. He also assumed responsibility of protecting Joey's younger sister, Serenity.
Personal Quote: A good person should protect the people who can't protect themselves, and be there for the ones who can.

The Set Up

Hello there. This being my first post, I think I should tell you about myself and the set up of this blog.

I am a fifteen-year-old girl-- erm --woman who has been role playing for 4+ years. I was taught by one of the masters, LysKitsune, a.k.a. NightsDawne on I was taught to only role play things that were in character to the person I was acting as. I grew to respect literacy and cherish those who use it. My skills have led me to become the mod of several sites and the author of over 53,5000 words of published, literate fan fics, my longest being 'Geomancy' at a length of 10,177 words. I have never gotten a comlaint on the role playing, other than one accusation of being a god-moder after dodging ONE attack.

I have never been one to come up with a lot of original characters as much as I have been one to play canon characters in a way that makes everything... fall into place, so to speak. I refuse to role play with other characters that
have been made for the sole purpose of screwing the brains out of mine. Sorry, it doesn't work that way for me.

I despise Mary-Sues and Marty-Stues. DESPISE THEM. It become so hard to role play with anyone because of the fear that they might have one of those ready to pounce out of nowhere and crash the rp. I fear that the mighty Amber Rose-Tyler-Scott will come and instantly fall in love with my OC and try to steal my heart by just saying, "I LUFT JOO HAVE SECHS WITH ME NOWW...!" and having a seizure if I ignore her. OR WORSE, claiming she's my long lost clone/sister/twin/mother from the past/creation of light/etc. So I've settled into the fact that the rest of the role playing world has been over thrown by the Sue-thers and have slipped into the caves of the original role players.

Now onto the blog...

This blog if for anything I might want to talk about relating to role play in any form, but I will mostly be focusing on casting canon and original characters. Might I also say that not all the characters I post are ones that I play. If I find an actor or actress that fits a role of a character I know, then I'll post it.